Thursday, October 9, 2008

Time for an Update...

Wow! It's amazing that the time continues to fly by and I often feel days turn into weeks that turn into a blur! We have so many exciting things going on that I can hardly stand it when God gets a hold of things. See, our son Travis was home for a little while. We went to see his Marine graduation (totally rocked!) and then he was able to spend some time here before he left for some more rifle training. We are so proud and can't believe he is all grown up and off to start his life. I'm reminded of how our children are arrows that are pointed out into the world. We hope to be pointing them in the right direction but we are still holding on to the string...afraid, straining not to quite let it go just yet. But the time does come that we have to release them into the world. It's hard and frightening, exciting, joyful, all at the same time. Umm, there is no manual for this or I would be looking in the back for the answers.

Now that we are not focused on Travis so much, our life has turned back to the daily grind. Trying to get back on schedule, with homeschooling, working, household tasks, attending FPU, reading the New Testament challenge each day. Each day I make a good dent...but still feel pulled to other things. I've been praying for LASER GUIDED focus from God. I seem to want to do a few things here and there, have grand ideas, wonderful visions, awesome ambition, but then I remember what my priorities are. I'm trying to walk in God's will for me, but sometimes I just don't get a clear version of what that is. I have learned (if there's been anything) that I cannot and WON'T stretch myself too thin ever again. However, personally I'm feeling a little bored with myself. I sometimes feel like I'm hanging in the wings waiting for some big moment to occur. I think about all the stuff I want to accomplish and feel I'm just spinning my wheels. Although I know this may just be a phase in my life so I'm hanging in there. I see all the good things that God is doing in ministry and I'm so drawn to that and my soul leaps when peoples lives are being changed each week. I'm loving our new FPU ministry and see huge possibilities.

My children are growing up. Kennedy is beginning to sight read words and seems very interested in school. However, she is so shy about responding in class. I know what you are all thinking...Kennedy, not talk in class? NO way, she has my excessive conversational genes. Logan is playing baseball this year and loves it...he is growing so much and has such a sweet spirit.

My hubby is doing great at his job and still likes it! Yeah! He's come through a lot with employees over the past years and it seems to be settling down a bit and a lot less pressure too. He amazes me and I'm still falling in love with him each day. I know all couples have their moments throughout life where things are just hum-drum, life goes by and all is well, some good, some hard, some bad times too. However, lately we seemed to be on the same page, loving each other, making each other laugh (not getting on each other nerves) and just enjoying our relationship. Maybe it's because we are making it a priority to spend time together ALONE! It's a good thing and I totally recommend it to ALL couples to have a date night each week! I love him and am so thankful that he shares my passion for God!

Well, that should catch you up and I'll try to stay current! I miss my girlfriends...when are we all getting together? Love you all!

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