Monday, January 14, 2013

January...a new year begins!

Yes, here it is! It rolls around this time every year. January. The month of new beginnings, new goals, new diets, and new workout gear. All in the hopes of accomplishing greater.

I wish I would have understood this concept much earlier than I have. This concept that we have to have do-overs in order to feel better about our situation, our life, our journey. When we accepted Christ-in that moment we were being renewed, not done over. Nowhere in scripture, at least not that I'm aware of, do we find where God came in, and allowed the individual to go back and attempt a portion of their life over. He began anew, fresh, and opened the eyes of those who were blind.

We get into the trap of thinking: if only I could go back and say something different, if only I could have done this, done that, then maybe it would have turned out better. This thinking drags us into the past, not that we should forget where God has brought us, but we shouldn't go back and attempt do-overs. Each of those moments, God used.

God takes us right where we are, in the midst of our broken-ness and begins transforming us into something greater. If we allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us, and we are obedient, our story becomes a reflection of our transformation in Christ.

I'm sure Peter would have loved a do-over. He who loved Christ would deny him three times in one night. In John 21 we see Jesus showing His love for his disciples. The master prepared a feast for them as they returned to shore. Three times Jesus asks Peter, "Do you love me?" Each time Peter replied, "Yes, Lord you know I love you!" Jesus then responds, "Then feed my sheep!" The moments of Peter's denial were not replayed on some t.v. to remind him of his sin, but Jesus responds with love and a command. I believe that in that moment Peter knew that there were no do-overs just future obedience. The lesson he learned from the journey he took that night would propel him forward to become a great disciple who would take the gospel throughout the land.

Friend, are you struggling in the hopes of having a do-over? Are you striving for some solace from a past mistake? Take heed dear friend, for Jesus can meet you right where you are and heal your heart and move you into a place of greater. He can use every circumstance to bring blessings into your life. We don't need do-overs, we only need to move forward with Jesus as our guide.


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