Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lean Forward

It's a term that the military often uses to describe to the troops how important it is to always keep looking forward. It means that we should always be thinking ahead to the next challenge that awaits. What lies around the bend? What direction are we heading? What's next?

I always been a 5-year gal. By that, I mean that I've always tried to place myself on a 5 year track. I always think to myself about the decision I will make and where it will place me on my 5-year track. Does it fit? Will it work? It constantly gives me a visual goal that I can work towards. Often times I hit the mark and sometimes I don't even get close. However, it is still a good gauge for me on this journey called life.

The reason I want to talk about leaning forward is that right now most of the areas of my life are doing just that, leaning forward. I'm looking already to my daughter attending Kindergarten in little over a month from now. Boy, that 5 year mark came up quick. LOL. All the little details that need to get done before she starts her big day run through my head when I have a peaceful moment. My oldest child is now experiencing some of the hardest times in his life in order to become a U.S. Marine. We are looking forward to Sept 26, the date in which he will graduate from boot camp. Our church, New Hope is moving forward with it's newest online community webpage where members can post prayer, needs and ask questions. Check it out at for more info on how it works. It is truly amazing how life continues on and we all have a choice whether to live in the past, worry about today or look to tomorrow in anticipation of what will come to pass.

One of my favorite lessons learned during a prayer class that I took several years ago was that if you worry, you're not allowing God to work. Don't worry, pray. It's hard not to worry about the future, however I do know that I am comforted more when I let go and let God take control. Why is it the first thing we do is worry, ask advice, discuss, chit chat and research for the answer and the last thing we do is PRAY? We will go round and round looking for the light bulb instead of the Lighthouse. God is big enough for our problems and is waiting to hear our prayers.

Leaning forward will probably always be in my vocabulary and my 5 year plan, well, I'll let you know in another 4 years, 8 months, 12 days , 4 hours and 24-25-26 seconds...... I'm anxious with anticipation for what God has in store!

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